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 We are living in an amazing time in history[color=color_url]

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We are living in an amazing time in history[color=color_url] Empty
MessageSujet: We are living in an amazing time in history[color=color_url]   We are living in an amazing time in history[color=color_url] EmptyMar 20 Fév - 5:49

Strange how so many technologies have come so far in a relatively short period of time, yet after over 100 years we're still burning good ol gasoline to run [/url] our vehicles.
I hope I don't need to put on my tin foil hat.
If someone had a better answer, we would be [/url] using it. There are probably even some really good alternatives, but the problem is that it's more than just inventing a better mousetrap, it's getting everyone to use Even if there [/url] is better technology, it takes the efforts of the people that use it to convert, which costs money because the infrastructure is already built around those energies.
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We are living in an amazing time in history[color=color_url]
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