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-100€ Pack rééquipement Philips Hue Play : 3 barres lumineuses ...
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 Please, help me with my search!

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Please, help me with my search! Empty
MessageSujet: Please, help me with my search!   Please, help me with my search! EmptyJeu 14 Déc - 23:47

Good evening. I found myself in a difficult situation.Life is so unpredictable and You never know, when somebody, who is very close to you, will get sick. Our family is not very rich, we cannot afford to buy drugs in the shops. I heard, that buying drugs online is much cheaper, but surfing the web I found nothing.I am newbie in Internet usage,
so I'll appreciate Your help very much. You can just give me some useful links to the online drug-shops, where I'll be able to buy rather cheap drugs. Thank You very much. With the best regards!Jimmy
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Please, help me with my search!
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